Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Quest to Use Every Cartridge I Own! COMPLETED!

Well, still working on the clean out. Progressing nicely, but I wish it was just all gone! Funny thing was I found some old issues of Somerset Studios magazine - we are talking pre-Benjamin magazines! Dated 1998. I started to get rid of them and then, maybe the page fell open, maybe I was mindlessly looking at the pages, whatever happened, not sure, but I saw this really neat project to make mini-books using shrinky dink material. Next thing you know I am looking through this magazine and, yes, it was returned to the keep pile! Broke every rule of getting rid of stuff, didn't I? There are only two of them, but I do plan on looking at them and tearing out the projects I would like to try sometime.

Enough about the purging! On to update everyone about my "other" project involving Cricut! Cartridges have been for sale at ridiculously low prices! I have avoided going to the store, only because I suspect with my obsessive/compulsive behavior, I will end up with cartridges I don't want. I decided to do something a little extreme....

I went through all my cartridges and actually USED them! I decided before I buy any more cartridges, it was time to hit reality that I haven't used most of the cartridges I own. Hence, was born another project!

Armed with my scrap bin, I was determined to make one thing from each cartridge. Rules were to use only scraps - I broke that rule twice - I needed black paper as an outline for many cuts and double-sided paper for one cut. For each cartridge, I went through the book searching for the right cut to hit me. I avoided doing one-layer cuts, and I think there are only two in the bunch. I wrote the name of the cartridge on the flip side of each cut along with measurements for some.

I have 59 cartridges, and 9 on the gypsy only. Truth be told, I am expecting three more cartridges today, and it is my plan to use them right away to include them in my project.

Throughout the week, I plan on blogging about my experience. What cartridges I love, and what cartridges I thought, "Why did I ever buy this?" and what I learned throughout the experience.

It certainly became an obsession for me to complete the project - now I can officially say I have used all the cartridges I own!


VinDeeLoo said...

How long did it take you to cut and assemble 1 thing from every cartridge?

Stacy said...

Super cute, they are so colorful on the table together.
(now a follower)

sandra said...

VinDeeLoo - I would think it took less then 10 minutes to pick paper out from the scrap bin, cut the layers and assemble. Some took longer. Total time working was about 10 hours. It was time consuming looking through the book to decide WHAT to cut! lol

Kimm said...

Those are so cute! If I give you my cartridges, will you cut something out from each of them too so that they don't feel neglected? :)

Rochelle said...

How cool!